What to Post on Social Media

Social media has become a part of everyday life. People are constantly checking their phone throughout the day. It’s become such a habit that some municipalities have banned checking a phone while walking because pedestrians were walking into traffic and being injured.

As a business owner, the best way to attract new customers is to have your information in front of potential clients; which means you must have a social media marketing strategy.

Regardless of your industry, your job is most likely based on making personal connections. Isn’t that what social media is about? Making personal connections? Having a strong social media presence allows your customers and clients to learn more about you, which raises their comfort level with you before ever meeting in person.

Your potential clients are engaging on social media every day. What better way to stay connected to current customers, leads, and past clients than by interacting with them about things that are important to them on social media? This is not the time to spam news feeds with your endless posts about your products only.

Be sure to do the following on social media:

  • Comment on the posts of your local audience or leads.

  • Post information about local events or pet adoptions.

  • Share a post that one of your customers created.

  • Post useful information and/or blogs that are relevant to your business.

  • If you’re involved in a local charity or high school sports team, post about that.

  • Celebrate funny holidays to show the fun side of your brand. (Hello National Margarita Day!!)

People will find you approachable and relatable, which is the key to attracting new clients.

Social media also gives you the opportunity to create targeted ads. It’s widely known that certain social media sites (cough cough Facebook & Insta) track their users in order to provide advertisers with the ability to target their perfect customer. Social media ads are a great way to showcase a recent blog, product, or service you offer to a wider audience that may not have seen your post if left up to the algorithm. But make sure to design your ads in a way that clients would find appealing, and not annoying. Don’t forget to include a call to action button and give the readers something of value.

As a business owner, it can sometimes be hard to find the time to map out your social media strategy. That is where outsourcing comes in hand. Utilizing an experienced social media manager can help boost your bottom line by showing up daily on the social platforms that your customers are already using everyday.

Click here to learn more about hiring Bejeweled Marketing for your social media marketing.

xoxo & stay social,



What to post on social media and content ideas